5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Training
So you signed up for BJJ. Great! Now what?
Does this mean that you treat your BJJ program like any other gym membership you purchased in the past? Meaning, are you going to just let your monthly payments go through while you miss several training sessions over and over again before deciding to quit before you really started?
I've seen this far too often and I've realized that even though instructors may teach amazing classes, people will still come up with excuses before throwing in the towel. Remember, YOU are the only person standing in your way of YOUR success. You can sign up at the biggest and baddest well known academy in your city, purchase the most high end Gi, receive quality instruction and value, but if you're not willing to help yourself and do the work then you may as well just quit now.
If you're someone who finds yourself in this category of people, try these 5 tips:
1. Make a Friend
The buddy system always works, and the best part about it is that even if you're an introvert, you can always communicate through text so you're not feeling overwhelmed. If you were partnered up with someone that you worked well with, exchange phone numbers on the spot so that you can keep each other in check. Remember, iron sharpens iron.
2. Confront Your Fears
If you discontinue going to BJJ because you're afraid of getting smashed, then thats all the more reason to go. Fear is part of the process. In fact, if you're not fearful on day one, then I would say there is something seriously wrong! You just walked into a space where one of the most effective most practical martial arts systems in the world are practiced so yes-you SHOULD be fearful! The mats is where learn to not only face your fears but control them, conquer them, annihilate them. BJJ is the only sport (arguably) where you learn to become the best version of yourself-a version you never knew you had or possessed.
3. Set Realistic Goals
When I say to set goals, I don't mean tell yourself you have to win the next 3 tournaments or you'll quit. What I mean is, is set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based.Here is an example:
Specific: "I want to learn how to pass guard using leg drags and the bull fighter pass."
Measurable: "During specific training or open mats, I will drill guard passes over and over again by setting a timer for 2 minutes and alternate between the two passes for a duration of 20 minutes."
Attainable: "I will make time every Sunday and attend Open Mat with a friend."
Relevant: "By performing these drills I will be able to improve my guard passing skills."
Time-Based: "I know this will take time, however I will commit to this for the next 8 open mats and document how I feel after every session. This will help me look back and assess my progress over the next 8 weeks."
In this example, notice I used two guard passes to alternate back and forth from, this will allow for versatility when passing guard. I also do not expect myself to master guard passing in 8 weeks, instead, I noted that I will make "PROGRESS" if I stick to the 8 week plan. You can write this all out in fancy Mr. Sketch markers, but unless you implement a SMART plan like this, you won't be seeing any results. COMMIT!
4. Avoid Burn Out
I've noticed that new white belts tend to become over zealous and enthusiastic about training when they first sign up for BJJ. They start attending every class in the schedule and then bam! They burn out and end up quitting before their first stripe is awarded.
Schools that offer unlimited training and access to every class in the schedule leads newbies to think that they can train every single day. They might even think that the only way to get better is if they attend every single class. In doing so, they slowly start to realize that their bodies cannot handle the physical and mental side effects to frequent training. Unless you're planning on becoming an ultimate fighter and go pro, there is no need to sign up for every single class. If your school offers such an option, start off with a more contained schedule and attend class 2-3 times a week on a consistent basis before adding additional classes to your plate. Your focus as a beginner should be to learn the basics first before learning how to do flying triangles anyway.
You can avoid getting burnt out by staying consistent on a smaller more less frequent schedule. Even if you're only able to attend a training session once a week, make sure you are consistently going once a week and not skipping any sessions. Consistency will help you avoid burn out and thus, will allow you to stay motivated.
5. Be Realistic
Understand that BJJ takes TIME. If you're serious about learning BJJ the way it should be learned then you must understand that patience is part of the equation. You cannot drive results overnight. There is no magical formula to master what takes people ten plus years to learn. Unfortunately many people who finally make it to blue belt end up quitting because they look back and realize how long it took them to get their blue belt. An extra eight plus years seems too daunting because they've put unrealistic expectations on themselves and prefer to throw in the towel because it just takes too long. You need to focus on the journey and take each day as it comes instead of thinking that you need to be somewhere else. I've been there done that and it brings nothing but misery to your training. If you're still feeling this way, ask yourself some hard questions about what type of goals you have set and what changes you need to make so that the time you're spending is of value to your purpose.
Well there you have it! Jiu Jitsu is a journey and no matter where you are in yours, there are always new things you will discover about yourself and new ways of improving habits that enhance your training along the way. I hope these tips helped! If you have some that work for you, leave them in the comments below!